Monday, July 27, 2009

High-Frequency Trading Misinformation

Denninger gets it wrong on high-frequency trading here. and his mindless minions follow.

3. To the extent that these HFT systems are in fact using flash (or other) traffic to get in front of orders and advantage themselves they are dramatically increasing the violence of market moves. A stock trading at $20 that has a bid come in with a limit of $20.10 would normally fill (assuming sufficient depth) at $20; this does not materially move the market. But if a HFT system "sees" that order, steps in front of it and buys up all the shares at $20 and then re-sells them to the customer at $20.04 (one penny better than the next best offer at $20.05) it has caused the current "last" price to move where it otherwise would not. Multiply this by millions of shares an hour and the impact on price moves could be tremendous. While I understand that many people like the move of the last two weeks in the market, the fact remains that what goes up can also come down with equal violence.

That is not how flash orders work. First if there was sufficient depth @ 20.00, the order would get filled immediately and not be flashed. Second the order can not be flashed any worse then the NBBO, so they only offer price improvement to a client.

Flash Order

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jon Najarian - Yahoo Conference Call Update

Najarian covering Yahoo's conference call, looks like he might also be holding some AAPL calls. Nice work.

Friday, July 17, 2009

It's All Over But The Crying

Inexperienced trader suffers a forced buy-in on a short position. Cries to online support at Interactive Brokers because he does not understand the mechanics of selling a stock short. This was not some vast international conspiracy, your borrow was lost and you are now forced to cover.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


NYSE Program Trading Report June 22-26 2009

Goldman Sachs accounted for twice as much program trading as Credit Suisse (second place), the computers were never shut off.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

NovaStar Financial and Naked Shorting - Still Good for a Few Laughs

NovaStar Financial victims.
Glen Kelly
Bruce Thompson
Bob Smith
This poor guy claims to own both Overstock & NovaStar, don't take investing advice from him.

S&P 500 - 880 Bounce?

Monday, July 6, 2009


Staring into the face of a vast international conspiracy/corporate espionage, Goldman Sachs turned its computers back on, allowing the S&P to rise into the close.

Why your brilliant plan to short a pair of 3x ETFS will not work.

There is barely a day that goes by I do not hear or read about someone talking about the brilliant strategy of shorting a pair of leveraged ETFs. They pull up the charts and say look, they both go down! The favorite pair seems to be FAS/FAZ, here are a list of reasons this brilliant strategy will not work.
  • The 3x leveraged ETFs are hard to locate borrows for, so its very possible you would never be able to open a short position when you wanted to.
  • Once your position is opened, it will be difficult to hold the borrow. The high volume, short holding periods, and leveraged decay work against you because there are not any long term holders borrowing out shares.
  • The cost to borrow the shares will be significant. It is not uncommon to pay between 20% to 50% per annum to borrow stocks that are hard to borrow.
  • Assuming you have made it this far, you would now need to re-balance the trade daily.
  • There is some massive short term distributions not accounted for properly in the charts.
  • A consistent market trend for even a few days significantly raises capital requirements.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Rolling Stone - Blame Goldman Sachs!

The Great American Bubble Machine

So the largest brokerage house provided liquidity and hedged during all the recent bubbles. How is this news? How is this evil? Its Not!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Long of the day: Leisure

The leisure trade is setting up nice technically. I suggest a market on close order for entry.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Putting your car loan on a credit card turned out to be a bad idea?


Are you really this stupid? You will not find any bank that will offer you a 3.9% personal unsecured loan.

Credit card companies are now adjusting interest rates to match the risk.

FAZ to go up 10x, FAS only 5x.

Reverse splits.